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Main Point:

God allows trials in our lives for His glory, other’s godliness, and our good. There is always a bigger and more eternal picture to be grasped in the midst of challenging circumstances.

Outline: (Acts 16:16-34)

Problems to Praying and Praise which led to…

Sacrificing to Shining (God’s light) and Sharing (the Gospel) resulting in…

Fear to Faith and Fruit

Main Point: Sometimes, we spend too much time looking out at others or difficult situations when we should be looking up…  looking up to Jesus the founder and perfecter of our faith. We will see 3 ways to look up and keep our focus on Jesus.

Outline: (Mark 6:45-56)

  1. Replicate the Praying of Jesus, vs 45-47

  2. Recognize the Presence of Jesus, vs 48-52

    1. The presence of Jesus erases fear.

    2. The presence Jesus calms the storm.  

    3. The presence of Jesus leads to worship.

  3. Remember the Power of Jesus, vs 53-56

    1. Jesus sees His disciples from miles away. 

    2. Jesus walking on the water. 

    3. Peter walking on the water. (Matthew 14:28-32)

    4. Jesus calming the storm. 

    5. The boat is instantly back at land. (John 6:21)

    6. People are healed by touching Jesus’ clothes. 

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