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Frequently asked Questions

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What should I wear? Most of us dress casual and keep these 2 recommendations in mind: appropriateness and modesty.  Some like to dress up and wear pants and collared shirts while others prefer shorts and t-shirts.  Some ladies wear dresses or skirts while others prefer pants.  A Biblical principle is that God looks first internally at the heart, not the outward appearance.

What should I bring? You can bring your Bible, but if you don't have an English one, there are plenty of Bibles at the church that you can use and even take as a free gift from the church.  A Biblical principle is that we should come before God with spiritual hunger and interact with others to be a blessing.

How long is the service? The Sunday morning church service is around 1 and 1/2 hours long.  Currently, there is not a "Sunday School" hour before the service so during the morning service, a segment of time is used as a teaching time through either devotionals, informal Bible group discussions, hearing testimonies of God's work in people's lives, or having Communion.  The sermon is usually between 30-40 minutes long.  Information about service times and location can be found here

What else should I know about the worship service?  We sing a few songs that are a blend of traditional hymns and contemporary God-centered praise songs.  There is no pressure to give to the church... in fact, we don't even have an "offering time" during the service.  There is simply a basket in the back of the church for those who would like to cheerfully give to the Lord's work. The services are laid-back in the sense that people are welcome to stand and stretch when needed, get some water or use the bathrooms at any point in the service.  We want the service to be about God and not about putting on a show and trying to make everything perfect.  Based upon sufficient volunteers on a week by week basis, the church offers nursery for families with young children during the sermon, and the nursery room is available during the rest of the service for the young children under their parent's supervision.

What happens if I'm late?  You should still come to church!  While the service usually starts on time, we understand that there are circumstances that cause people to run late sometimes.

Are there any other activities throughout the week?  There are usually other mid-week small group Bible studies available either at the church, online, or in one another's homes.  And of course with the beauty of the Caribbean, we enjoy hikes in the rainforest, BBQ's at the beach, kayaking in the bioluminescent bay and other outdoor activities.  Our church regularly arranges free activities and have had both locals and tourists join us... if you would like to participate in one of these outdoor activities, please contact the church for more information.

About the church
worship song before communion

worship song before communion

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